GalaxyRP Mod

A JKA roleplaying mod


  • Mod : GalaxyRP
  • Item Version : v 3.7
  • Author : Alex
  • License : GPL v2.0

First of all, Thank you so much for trying the mod out, I'm sure you'll find it offers a lot of useful features.

This documentation is to help you navigate through the plethora of features the mod offers. I realise it might not be the easiest to use (yet!), but once you get used to how commands works, it's a breeze.


The mod requires the following specifications

  1. Windows XP/Vista/10
  2. 100% DirectX 9.0a compatible computer
  3. PIII or Athlon class 450Mhz or faster
  4. 512MB RAM
  5. 32MB OpenGL 1.4 compatible 3D Hardware Accelerator
  6. 16-bit DirectX 9.0a compatible sound card

Obviously, the more powerful your computer, the better it will run. (to a point)


General Mod Features

The mod contains these following main features:
  1. An account system
  2. Custom Force powers
  3. Complete rebalance between gunslingers and Force users
  4. An item shop
  5. A completely revamped chat system, which makes writing much easier, and declutters the server
  6. Different distances at which chat can be seen, depending on 22 chat modifiers
  7. A news system that admins can use to let people know of major happenings in the galaxy
  8. An inventory system for custom items
  9. A description system that allows players to see your description
  10. A dice system
  11. A level system, and skill points system
  12. An admin system with admin commands. These can be given one by one to each account
  13. Acount settings, which the player can configure to turn on or off some features
  14. A Racing Mode, with prize for the winner
  15. A Duel Tournament system, with prize for the winner
  16. Credits, which can be used to buy and sell stuff while roleplaying
  17. A skill counter
  18. An ally system, which allows a player to add or remove allies
  19. An emote system, together with 57 worded emotes, with a further 3000 accessible by id
  20. Players can call vote to single player maps.
  21. Siege voice chat in FFA gametype
  22. An entity system, which allows players to add, edit, list and remove entities that are in the map
  23. Commands to remap shaders in a map
  24. A client-side plugin with menus
  25. Many cvars at server.cfg to customize mod features


Community leaders will have to install the Server Side Mod on their server, while players will need to install the clientside only.
!!!The mod works without players installing the client-side mod, but some features may not work properly. Admins may not allow people with outdated clients to connect!!!
!!!Be aware that the mod is only tested on WINDOWS-based hosts. While it likely works on linux-based hosts as well, I do not guaratee it, and you will have to compile the linux files yourself.!!!

This section will look at installing the mod, as well as go through some settings that I advise server owners to do.
I will be using a host called Bluefang for this guide, so you must adapt the settings and commands to your own host should it be any different.


Firstly, make sure that you have the latest version of the mod downloaded from the online repository. If you are usure about which version you have, you can look in the .zip filename or you can go to the repository and download the latest version again.

!!!You will need to download the "FullPackage" version, which contains the server side files as well!!!
!!!ALWAYS back up the database when changing versions to avoid loss of information in the worst case scenario. It can be found in the "database" folder!!!
!!!If you're upgrading from a version before 3.4, you also need to delete the "GalaxyRP" folder from the server before copying the new version.!!!

All GalaxyRP Versions

After you have done that, make sure your server is turned off, and you have FTP access. Go into the server files, and look for the folder where all the executables are. You will know you've found the right one when the folder structure looks like this:

Unzip the Server-side files anywhere on your system, and open the folder that was generated. (It should be called ServerSide, or something similar.) Select the "GalaxyRP" folder, and transfer them to the server.

After the installation, go into your server control panel, and expand the "Command Line Editor" section, where you will find a few options that need changing.
The first will be the 'Templates' section. Click on the dropdown list, and select the option called Active Command Line Parameters. The second will be the 'Parameters' section. This is slightly trickier to modify. You will need to write down the IP address for the server, as well as the port. After you have those, you will need to paste the following command in the textbox, making sure to replace the ip address and port with your own:

                            +set fs_game GalaxyRP +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 17118 +exec galaxyrp_server.cfg

Make sure you click Update Command Line Parameters afterward. Your setting shoudl now look like this:

All you have to do now is start your server, and players can connect!

Sometimes, if you find that the mod isn't working correctly, particularly saving and loading accounts, you should go to the FTP file manager, and change the permissions to all files so that they can be read, written to and executed by everyone. (Don't worry, you will still need a password to acces the files.) This option can sometimes be found as 'chmod'. If it asks you to input a number, input 777


!!!You will need to download the "ClientSide" version, which contains only the Client side files, if you don't plan to host servers locally!!!

All you need to do is copy the "GalaxyRP" folder into your GameData folder on your machine.

Quick Start Guide (Players)

So you've downloaded the mod and you joined a server, great! You're close to starting your roleplaying journey. This quickstart guide is meant to get you started, just follow all the steps and you'll ge good to go. By all means, look in the other categories to get a more in-depth look at what you can do.

1. Getting to the console

All the commands are inputted via the game's console. To get to it, press "`" (The key above TAB). If that doesn't work, try pressing SHIFT + ` .
This is where you'll write all your commands. To do that, start typing and press enter to activate the command.
If you need to get rid of the console, press the same button you used to access it.

2. Creating an account

To start playing, you will need an account. This is where all your characters and admin permissions will be stored.
!!!Remember, acounts are a different thing to characters, we will get to that in the next section.!!!
To create an account run the following command (Replace everything in "[" "]" with your own values, so "/new [user] [pass]" will mean that you have to enter for example "/new alex supersecretpassword").

                                        /new [user] [pass]

3. Creating a character

If the account is what stores your character, your character is where all your skills, credits and items are stored.
An account can have multiple characters, all at completely different levels and skills.
To create your character, use:

                                        /char new [charactername]

My suggestion is to use the character's first name as the input. So a character named "Tia Luminara" should be named "Tia" in the console.

4. Checking your stats and abilities

To view your character's characteristics, such as the current level or how many credits you own, use the following command:


A handy command that helps you navigate the menus is:

                                        /list help

4. Start roleplaying!

To roleplay, use the "Y" key to start typing, and press enter when you're done.
!!!Remember, this chat has a limit on how far it can be "heard" from, so if your friends are too far away, they might not see what you typed!!!

To use the OOC (Out of character) chat, simply press "T" instead of "Y", type, and press enter.
!!!Remember, the OOC char can be seen server-wide, so everyone will be able to see what you typed!!!

Start living your Star Wars story. :)
I hope this quickguide was enough to get you started, feel free to look into other things you can do in the game, by scrolling down. !!!Remember, roleplaying is about fun, don't get too caught up in the mechanics and start playing! In time you will learn the ins and outs of the mod!!!

Account System

The account system allows a player to create an account in the server. It contains his admin commands, his settings, and all roleplaying stuff.
When creating an account, a character will be created by default with the same name as the account. The player can create further characters that are associated with the same account, without having to create multiple accounts.
Below a list of account system commands. The main account system commands are:

                                /list: this command lists all stuff you need. If not logged in, it shows how to create account and login. Shows general info, like level, exp, credits, etc.
                                /list help: with this argument, /list will show you the arguments you can pass to the /list command
                                /new [login] [password]: registers a new account.
                                /changepassword [new_password]: allows a logged-in player to change his password.
                                /logout: allows the player to logout his account.
                                /logout: allows the player to logout his account.

The mod allows the management of Characters into the same account. Every account has a default char which has the same name as your login/username. You can create new ones, delete some of them (except the default one), duplicate (create a copy of) the current char in use, choose which one to use, rename the current char, and even migrate chars to another account.

                                /char: List the characters associated with the current account.
                                /char new [charname]: Creates a new character.
                                /char delete [charname]: Deletes a character. !!!THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE!!!
                                /char duplicate: Duplicates the current character.
                                /char use [charname]: Switches to a different character.
                                /char rename [new charname]: Renames the current character.
                                /char migrate [charname] [acc login] [acc password]: Migrates the character to a different account.

Admin System

The mod has some admin commands.
Each player account can have a specific set of admin commands.
More info about the admin commands can be found ingame.
Below the console commands to manage the admin commands:

                            /adminlist: allows a player to see which admin commands he currently has. If you pass a command number as argument, shows info about it. 
                            /adminlist show [player id or name]: If player has GiveAdmin, he can use this to see admin commands of another player
                            /adminup [player name or ID] [admin command number]: gives an admin command to the player. You must have the GiveAdmin allowed in your account to use this command.
                            /admindown [player name or ID] [admin command number]: removes an admin command from the player. You must have the GiveAdmin allowed in your account to use this command.
                            /rcon giveadmin [player name or ID]: gives the GiveAdmin permission in the target player account. This will allow him to give or remove admin commands.

Some examples of commands that admins can use can be found below:

                            /npc: spawns or kills npcs
                            /noclip: allows a player to fly and to get through everything in the map
                            /teleport: allows a player to teleport to a specific point, to a player or to some coordinates in the map
                            /silence: makes a player unable to chat
                            /shakeScreen [distance from player] [intensity] [length]: Shakes players' screen in a sphere around the person who initiated the command.

Admin permissions

This is the list of different admin permissions and what they do.

                                    0 - NPC : Allows the spawning of NPCs on the server.
                                    1 - NoClip : Allows the use of /noclip, making the user able to go through walls.
                                    2 - GiveAdmin : Allows the granting and revoking of admin permissions. (DO NOT GIVE THIS AWAY LIGHTLY)
                                    3 - Telepot : Allows the use of /teleport command.
                                    4 - Admin Protect : Makes the user impervious to teleportation when enabled. Also, when enabled, the user can see all the chat on the server, regardless of distance.
                                    5 - EntitySystem : Allows the use of /ent commands.
                                    6 - Silence : Allows silencing of players.
                                    7 - ClientPrint : User can use the client print commands.
                                    8 - Placeholder : !!!UNUSED!!!
                                    9 - Kick : User can kick players.
                                    10 - Paralyze : User can paralyze other players.
                                    11 - Give : User can /give. Also allows the user to use /createcredits.
                                    12 - Scale : User can scale other people. (Anyone can /scale themselves)
                                    13 - Players : User can use /players to get player IDs and can also see other people's abilities.
                                    14 - DuelArena : User can define the arena for the duel arena game.
                                    15 - Placeholder : !!!UNUSED!!!
                                    16 - Create Items : Allows the use of /createitem.
                                    17 - God Mode : Allows the use of /god.
                                    18 - Upgrade Level : Allows the use of /levelup.
                                    19 - Change Skills : Allows the use of /skillup and /skilldown.
                                    20 - Create Credits : Allows the use of /createcredits.
                                    21 - Ignore Chat distance : Shows all chat on the server, ignoring distance.
                                    22 - Give XP : Allows the use of /givexp.
                                    23 - Update News : Allows a player to create new news items, on any channel.
                                    24 - Remove News : Allows the deletion of a news item.
                                    25 - Play Music : Allows a player to play music that the whole server can hear.
                                    26 - Instant Revive : Allows a player to bypass the downed timer for themselves, or someone else.

Roleplaying Basics

In this Mod, the player can get credits, get levels, use skill points to get new skills, play quests, and buy and sell stuff.
When an admin determines the time is right, the player gets a new level. Each level increases 2 HP + 2 shield + 3 FP.
There are 56 skills available in Galaxy RP. They include force powers, weapons, ammo, items and some miscellaneous stuff. They are divided in 5 categories in the command /list:

                                        /list force: lists the force powers and saber skills.
                                        /list weapons: lists weapons
                                        /list other: lists miscellaneous skills and the special powers the player currently has
                                        /list ammo: lists ammo skills, which increase the starting ammo in the player weapons
                                        /list items: lists the holdable items that the player can start with

When a player gets a new level, he also gets skill points. AN admin can upgrade or downgrade skills with them. The commands to upgrade and downgrade skills are:

                                        /skillup [skill number] [how many levels] (optional): upgrades a skill. Requires at least 1 skill point
                                        /skilldown [skill number] [how many levels] (optional): downgrades a skill. The player recovers 1 or more skill points

Levelling System

In GalaxyRP, there are two main ways for players to be levelled up. This can be done by either using XP points, or, levelling up a player directly.

Experience points

Experience points work as they do in most RPGs, in that a player receives XP, and, depending on how much they currently have, they will gain a level automatically. The current number of XP points can be seen in the listing. It will also show how much XP you need in order to gain a Level. Experience points can only be given by admins.

Directly Levelling up

A player can be directly levelled up by an admin as in previous versions. Levels can only be given by admins.


I recommend to use XP, rather than give players levels directly, as it offers a bit more granularity to the admins, since this way, a player can be given half a level, a third of a level, or whatever the admins deem necessary.

A list of commands can be found below:

                                    /list: See current XP and how much you need for levelling up. 

Credit System

With credits, the player can buy and sell stuff. To do that, he must call the jawa seller. By pressing the Use Key on him, he will talk to the player and say what commands to use. To buy or sell things, the player must be near the seller and use the appropriate commands.


Most of the stuff the seller sells are temporary ones. If the player dies, he loses them and must buy again. The upgrades are permanent stuff that will not be lost even if the player dies. It is very important to buy them, because of the benefits they give.

Giving Credits to other players

A player can give credits to another RPG player. Credits can also be spent, essentially deleting them from the players account without them ending up in a different one. This can be used to create different roleplaying scenarios that involve NPCs.

A list of commands can be found below:

                                    /givecredits [playername or ID]: Transfers the credits to another player.
                                    /spendcredits [amount]: deletes credits form their account, thus paying for something without having to tranfer the money to someone else.
                                    /createcredits [player] [amount]: An admin command that allows admins to add credits into the economy.

Ally System

The player can have allies, players which will not receive damage from him, this is particularly useful in group fights.
Allies also have a dedicated chat, separate to the team and general chats.
There are 3 commands to manage allies:

                                    /allylist: this command lists the players added as allies
                                    /allyadd [player name or ID]: adds the target player as an ally
                                    /allyremove [player name or ID]: removes the target player from your ally list
                                    /allychat: chat with allies


Emotes are allowed by a server cvar. They can be used by players to animate their character in specific poses.
There are two types of emotes supported by the mod: worded and generic.
Worded emotes are easier to remember and are more common, they are defined by a word, instead of a number, while generic emotes are defined by an ID, between 0 and 1542.

The pertinent commands are as follows:

                                    /emote list: shows a list of worded emotes.
                                    /emote list 2: shows the second page of the list.
                                    /emote [number]: plays a generic animation.
                                    /emote [word]: plays a worded animation from the list.

NPC Ordering System

It is possible to make npcs follow you by pressing Use key on them. While they are following, you can give orders to them by using /order [option]. Option may be: follow: makes npc follow you. He will attack enemy npcs guard: makes the npc stand still, guarding the area. He will attack every player who is not your ally, and other npcs cover: makes npc follow you and attack every player who is not your ally, and other npcs

Sound System

In GalaxyRP, custom sounds can be played provided the assets are both on the server AND client. There are two commands with which this can be done:

                                    /playsound [channel] [sound]: plays sound in the channel provided.
                                    /playmusic [music file]: plays music in a loop. ADMIN ONLY!!

Chat Basics

GalaxyRP is made with text roleplaying in mind. While it isn't mandatory to use it, if you want to, read this section to find out how to use the chat to the fullest.

OOC chat

OOC chat is where you can talk to your friend outside of your character. Here is where reactions to funny IG events and snarky jokes go. :)

To access it, press the default key (T) and a ui element will pop out where you can type. You will notice that after pressing enter, your messages will display in red, and wil have "((" "))" around the actual message.
This chat will also be broadcast across the server regardless of distance.

Say chat

This is where the magic goes. The say chat is where you'll talk through your character. To acces it, press the default key (Y) and type your message.
!!!BEWARE this chat has a limit on distance, so some of your friends might not hear you if ythey're sittiing too far away.!!!
This can be changed by typing in /long [your message] IN THE CHAT WINDOW (Y), as opposed to the console. This will make your messages be displayed to players further away from you.
Read the next sections to learn about other chat modifiers.

                                    /long [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that makes your messges broadcast for longer distances.


Actions are where your character does something, such as pick up an object. This is done via a chat (Y) modifier. This will display your message in a slightly different format.

                                    /me [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays an action taken by your character.

There are three further modifiers that can be added to this one. All they do is increase or decrease the range at which they're displayed.

                                    /melong [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays an action taken by your character. (Longer Range)
                                    /melow [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays an action taken by your character. (Shorter Range)
                                    /meall [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays an action taken by your character. (Broadcasts it to the whole server)


Descriptions are where something happens to the world around your character, and you wish to convery that. Or simply describe an object. This is done via a chat (Y) modifier. It will display your message in a slightly different format.

                                    /do [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a description taken by your character.

There are three further modifiers that can be added to this one. All they do is increase or decrease the range at which they're displayed.

                                    /dolong [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a description taken by your character. (Longer Range)
                                    /dolow [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a description taken by your character. (Shorter Range)
                                    /doall [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a description taken by your character. (Broadcasts it to the whole server)

Force actions

Force actions are where your character does an action using the Force. This is done via a chat (Y) modifier. It will display your message in a slightly different format.

                                    /force [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a Force Action taken by your character.

There are three further modifiers that can be added to this one. All they do is increase or decrease the range at which they're displayed.

                                    /forcelong [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a a Force Action taken by your character. (Longer Range)
                                    /forcelow [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a a Force Action taken by your character. (Shorter Range)
                                    /forceall [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a a Force Action taken by your character. (Broadcasts it to the whole server)


Shouting is where your character shouts something. Not necessarily in anger, can be just speaking louder. This is done via a chat (Y) modifier. It will display your message in a slightly different format.

                                    /shout [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a shout taken by your character.

There are three further modifiers that can be added to this one. All they do is increase or decrease the range at which they're displayed.

                                    /shoutlong [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a shout taken by your character. (Longer Range)
                                    /shoutall [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a shout taken by your character. (Broadcasts it to the whole server)

Lowering your voice

Lowering your voice is where your character speaks in hushed tones, and can only be seen by people very close by. This is done via a chat (Y) modifier. It will display your message in a slightly different format.

                                    /low [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays the hushed tone taken by your character.

There are no further modifiers that apply to this option.


Broadcast text to the whole server, with no regard for distance.

                                    /all [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that displays a broadcast taken by your character.

There are no further modifiers that apply to this option.

More Descriptions

Describe a part of your body.

                                    /my [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that describes a part of your character's body.

There are three further modifiers that can be added to this one. All they do is increase or decrease the range at which they're displayed.

                                    /mylong [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that describes a part of your character's body. (Longer Range)
                                    /mylow [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that describes a part of your character's body. (Shorter Range)
                                    /myall [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that describes a part of your character's body. (Broadcasts it to the whole server)

Other Modifiers

These can also be used as chat modifiers.

                                    /ryl [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak in ryl.
                                    /ryl2 [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak in ryl, only using their Lekku.
                                    /rodian [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak in Rodian.
                                    /huttese [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak in Huttese.
                                    /catharese [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak in Huttese.
                                    /mando [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak in Mandalorian.
                                    /npc [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak as an NPC.
                                    /comm [your message]: CHAT MODIFIER that allows a character to speak into a comm link.

News System

GalaxyRP contains an in-game news system. While it isn't mandatory to use it, if you want to, read this section to find out how to use the system. This can also be used as a messaging system, should a server decide to use it that way.

Reading the news

There are an unlimited number of channels that can be used to display news. These will display a message specific to that channel to the players that run the command. The messages themselves will be set by admins. (read the following section). The command to read the news is as follows:

                                    /news [channel] [How many entries?](optional): Shows the news from the specified channel. How many entries to show can be specified as well, but it is not mandatory.

Updating the news

Updating the news will require the Update News admin permission. Each news channel can be updated independently, using the following command:

                                    /newsadd [channel] [text]: Updates the news in a channel. The text has to be enclosed in double quotes for it to register properly. E.g. /newsadd Jedi "Luke has freed us!" ADMIN ONLY!!

Deleting news

Deleting news will require the Remove News admin permission. The news ID is shown for each entry to the left of the date when reading the news.

                                    /newsremove [News ID]: Updates the news in a channel. The text has to be enclosed in double quotes for it to register properly. E.g. /newsremove 1 ADMIN ONLY!!

Additional Saber Customization

GalaxyRP offers additional lightsaber customisation. Each saber style can be customised to the players liking. These preferences are set in the .sab file of the saber the player is using. The customisation in question is done by adding extra attributes to this file.

How .sab files work

Saber files work by storing custom saber data that is then read by the game. This data is defined by key and value pairs. The key is the field, and the value is the information associated with that field. An example can be found below:

saberLength	40

In this case, saberLength is the key, and 40 is the value.

GalaxyRP Specific keys.

These keys are unique to GalaxyRP, they can all be used for customisation.

                                    kataMove        - Sets the Kata Animation for Shii-Cho
                                    kataMoveYellow  - Sets the Kata animation for Soresu/Ataru. 
                                    kataMoveRed     - Sets the Kata Animation for Shien/DjemSo
                                    kataMovePurple  - Sets the Kata Animation for Niman
                                    kataMoveGreen   - Sets the Kata Animation for Juyo
                                    kataMoveDual    - Sets the Kata Animation for Jar'Kai
                                    kataMoveStaff   - Sets the Kata Animation for Staff

                                    readyAnim       - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Shii-Cho
                                    readyAnimYellow - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Soresu/Ataru
                                    readyAnimRed    - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Shien/DjemSo
                                    readyAnimPurple - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Niman
                                    readyAnimGreen  - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Juyo
                                    readyAnimStaff  - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Jar'Kai
                                    readyAnimDual   - Sets the standing animation that is played when the selected style is Staff

                                    idleAnimBlue    - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while blue style is selected.
                                    idleAnimYellow  - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while yellow style is selected.
                                    idleAnimRed     - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while red style is selected.
                                    idleAnimPurple  - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while purple style is selected.
                                    idleAnimGreen   - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while green style is selected.
                                    idleAnimDual    - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while dual style is selected.
                                    idleAnimStaff   - Sets the idle animation (gets played when idle with saber off) to play while staff style is selected.

Valid Values - Katas

The valid values for kata moves are:


Valid Values - Stances and Idle Animations

The possible values for stances and idle animations is too big to put it in this document, but it can be found here.

Death System

GalaxyRP death works differently to the standard game, making play more immersive.

Downed State

A player enters a downed state when their hitpoints first go to 0. While in this state, the player cannot move or attack, and must wait for their downed counter to finish. If a player is attacked while downed, and their hitpoints go to 0 once again, they die. NPCs will not attack downed players.

After the counter has finished, the player has two options. Getting up by themselves, or having someone else help them up. To get up by themselves, they need to do:


To help someone else up, the command is:

/helpup [playername]

After being revived, the player is invulnerable for a short period of time.

Admins can ignore the counter. Server administrators can customise how long the counter is, as well as how long the invulnerable players' state lasts for.

Entity System

The mod allows players with the admin flag Entity System set in their accounts to manipulate entities in the map, without having to download the tools, or have mapping knowledge.
Commonly, this can be used to add different lightling, change the skybox to have a night/day cycle.
The relevant commands are:

                                        /entitysystem: shows the commands to manipulate entities
                                        /entadd: adds an entity in the map
                                        /entedit: edits an entity in the map
                                        /entlist [keyword]: lists entities in the map
                                        /entorigin: sets the current point and angles where you are standing as the origin and angles for new entities added with /entadd command
                                        /entundo: removes the last added entity
                                        /entremove: removes an entity from the map
                                        /entsave [filename]: saves the entities into a file. If the filename is called default, the entities will be loaded when map is loaded
                                        /entload [filename]: loads entities from a file
                                        /entdeletefile: deletes an entity file created by entsave command
                                        /removepickups: removes all pickups from the current map. (ammos, health, shield, and weapons pickups)
                                        /removepickups: removes all pickups from the current map. (ammos, health, shield, and weapons pickups)
                                        /spawnplatform: Spawns a platform at the current location.
                                        /spawndummy: Spawns a dummy at the current location.

Entity List

Below, a list of entities supported by /entsave and /entload commands, with the fields you can pass to them.

                                        -- emplaced_gun

                                        1 - can respawn
                                        1024 - allow placing at the exact origin field set with entadd

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity

                                        -- func_bobbing

                                        1 - x axis of bobbing
                                        2 - y axis of bobbing
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "speed" - seconds to complete a bob cycle (4 default)
                                        "dmg" - damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
                                        "phase" - the 0.0 to 1.0 offset in the cycle to start at
                                        "height" - amplitude of bob (32 default)
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- func_breakable

                                        1 - invincible
                                        16 - can only be damaged by sabers
                                        32 - can only be damaged by heavy weapons
                                        128 - usable by player
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "material" - type of material (integer number), can be one of the following
                                        0  - metal
                                        1  - glass
                                        2  - electrical
                                        3  - electric metal
                                        4  - dark stone
                                        5  - light stone
                                        6  - glass metal
                                        7  - electronic metal
                                        8  - none
                                        9  - grey stone
                                        10 - mix of 0 and 7
                                        11 - yellow multi-colored crates
                                        12 - grate chunks
                                        13 - 
                                        14 - red multi-colored chunks
                                        15 - white metal
                                        16 - mix of gray and brown rocks

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "health" - amount of health of this breakable entity
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "playfx" - path of effect to play on death

                                        -- func_button

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "wait" - wait time between uses

                                        -- func_door

                                        1 - start as an opened door
                                        16 - locked door
                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows making the .md3 model solid

                                        "lip" - lip remaining at end of move (8 default)
                                        "dmg" - damage (2 default)
                                        "speed"		movement speed (100 default)
                                        "wait"		wait before returning (3 default, -1 = never return)
                                        "delay"		when used, how many seconds to wait before moving - default is none
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - door opening direction. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "zykmodelscale" - scale factor for the .md3 model2 value (default 100)
                                        "soundset" - soundset to play when entity moves

                                        -- func_glass

                                        1 - Invincible
                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "color" - constantLight color
                                        "light" - constantLight radius
                                        "maxshards" - Max number of shards to spawn on glass break

                                        -- func_pendulum

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "phase" - the 0.0 to 1.0 offset in the cycle to start at
                                        "dmg" - damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
                                        "message" - phase (float number)
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- func_plat

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model
                                        4096 - allows it to return even if a player is standing on it

                                        "lip" - lip (float number)
                                        "height" - height the lift can reach (float number)
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "soundset" - soundset to play when entity moves

                                        -- func_rotating

                                        2 - show on radar
                                        4 - rotation on z axis
                                        8 - rotation on x axis
                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "material" - type of material (integer number), can be one of the following
                                        0  - metal
                                        1  - glass
                                        2  - electrical
                                        3  - electric metal
                                        4  - dark stone
                                        5  - light stone
                                        6  - glass metal
                                        7  - electronic metal
                                        8  - none
                                        9  - grey stone
                                        10 - mix of 0 and 7
                                        11 - yellow multi-colored crates
                                        12 - grate chunks
                                        13 - 
                                        14 - red multi-colored chunks
                                        15 - white metal
                                        16 - mix of gray and brown rocks

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "model2scale" - set the model scale
                                        "zykmodelscale" - scale factor for the .md3 model2 value (default 100)

                                        -- func_static

                                        1 - Pushable
                                        2 - Pullable
                                        4 - switch shader
                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "hyperspace" - test for hyperspace (0 or 1 value)
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "zykmodelscale" - scale factor for the .md3 model2 value (default 100)
                                        "script_targetname" - used by scriptrunners

                                        -- func_timer

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "random" - random time added to wait time
                                        "wait" - wait time between uses
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- func_train

                                        A lift that travels through path_corner entities. Place each path_corner before placing the func_train

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "soundset" - soundset to play when entity moves

                                        -- func_usable

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "wait" - wait time between uses

                                        -- func_wall

                                        64 - usable by player
                                        128 - inactive
                                        1024 - allows setting a solid .md3 model

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "angles2" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "model2" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- fx_rain
                                        -- fx_snow
                                        -- fx_spacedust

                                        These entities have no fields to be set

                                        -- fx_runner

                                        1 - start off
                                        2 - one shot, fires only when used
                                        4 - does damage

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "fxfile" - effect file to be used
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "splashdamage" - amount of damage
                                        "splashradius" - radius in which this entity damages
                                        "soundset" - sound this effect will make

                                        -- info_notnull
                                        -- info_null
                                        -- info_player_deathmatch
                                        -- info_player_duel
                                        -- info_player_duel1
                                        -- info_player_duel2
                                        -- info_player_intermission
                                        -- info_player_intermission_blue
                                        -- info_player_intermission_red
                                        -- info_player_siegeteam1
                                        -- info_player_siegeteam2
                                        -- info_player_start
                                        -- info_player_start_blue
                                        -- info_player_start_red

                                        Spawnpoints, for each gametype

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- item_shield_sm_instant
                                        -- item_shield_lrg_instant
                                        -- item_medpak_instant
                                        -- item_seeker
                                        -- item_shield
                                        -- item_medpac
                                        -- item_medpac_big
                                        -- item_binoculars
                                        -- item_sentry_gun
                                        -- item_jetpack
                                        -- item_healthdisp
                                        -- item_ammodisp
                                        -- item_eweb_holdable
                                        -- item_cloak
                                        -- item_force_enlighten_light
                                        -- item_force_enlighten_dark
                                        -- item_force_boon
                                        -- item_ysalimari
                                        -- weapon_stun_baton
                                        -- weapon_melee
                                        -- weapon_saber
                                        -- weapon_blaster_pistol
                                        -- weapon_concussion_rifle
                                        -- weapon_bryar_pistol
                                        -- weapon_blaster
                                        -- weapon_disruptor
                                        -- weapon_bowcaster
                                        -- weapon_repeater
                                        -- weapon_demp2
                                        -- weapon_flechette
                                        -- weapon_rocket_launcher
                                        -- ammo_thermal
                                        -- ammo_tripmine
                                        -- ammo_detpack
                                        -- weapon_thermal
                                        -- weapon_trip_mine
                                        -- weapon_det_pack
                                        -- weapon_emplaced
                                        -- weapon_turretwp
                                        -- ammo_blaster
                                        -- ammo_powercell
                                        -- ammo_metallic_bolts
                                        -- ammo_rockets
                                        -- ammo_all
                                        -- item_redcube
                                        -- item_bluecube

                                        1 - Suspended
                                        4 - Allow npc to get the item
                                        65536 - allow setting the wait field

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "wait" - time to respawn this item
                                        "count" - amount of ammo that the player recover when getting the item

                                        -- light

                                        A light, that can be switch by another entity (for example, a trigger_multiple).

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity. Must be set
                                        "style" - light style to use when turn on
                                        "switch_style" - light style to use when switch
                                        "style_off" - light style to use when off

                                        -- misc_bsp

                                        Allows spawning a .bsp map inside the current one

                                        "angle" - rotate the .bsp map
                                        "bspmodel" - the name of the .bsp file

                                        -- misc_ammo_floor_unit

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "count" - max charge

                                        -- misc_model_ammo_power_converter

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity

                                        -- misc_model_ammo_rack

                                        1 - Blaster
                                        2 - Metal Bolts
                                        4 - Rockets
                                        8 - spawns weapons matching ammo type of rack
                                        16 - med pak
                                        32 - Power Cell
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179

                                        -- misc_model_breakable

                                        Spawn an .md3 model, that can have health

                                        1 - solid model
                                        128 - usable by player
                                        4096 - start off

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "zykmodelscale" - scale factor for the .md3 model value (default 100)
                                        "script_targetname" - used by scriptrunners
                                        "usescript" - used by scriptrunners, name of the script to run

                                        -- misc_model_gun_rack

                                        1 - Blaster Rifle
                                        2 - Repeater
                                        4 - Rocket Launcher
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179

                                        -- misc_model_health_power_converter

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "count" - max charge

                                        -- misc_model_shield_power_converter

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "count" - max charge

                                        -- misc_portal_surface

                                        The portal surface nearest this entity will show a view from the targeted misc_portal_camera, or a mirror view if untargeted
                                        This must be within 64 world units of the surface!

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "target" - misc_portal_camera targeted by this misc_portal_surface

                                        -- misc_portal_camera

                                        The target for a misc_portal_surface.  You can set either angles or target another entity to determine the direction of view

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - use the angles to set the direction of view
                                        "roll" - an angle modifier to orient the camera around the target vector
                                        "target" - can be used to target a target_position entity so it has the direction of view pointed to the target

                                        -- misc_shield_floor_unit

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "count" - max charge

                                        -- misc_turret

                                        1 - Start off
                                        2 - upside down
                                        4 - can respawn
                                        8 - turbo laser
                                        16 - aim will target ahead of enemy, "lead" them
                                        32 - show on radar

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "mass" - shotspeed
                                        "dmg" - damage of each shot
                                        "health" - health
                                        "radius" - range to detect enemies and shoot them
                                        "count" - time in miliseconds before respawning
                                        "wait" - wait time between shots

                                        -- misc_turretG2

                                        1 - Start off
                                        2 - upside down
                                        4 - can respawn
                                        8 - turbo laser
                                        16 - aim will target ahead of enemy, "lead" them
                                        32 - show on radar
                                        32768 - if upside-down (spawnflag 2), do not make the z position a bit lower

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "shotspeed" - shotspeed
                                        "dmg" - damage of each shot
                                        "health" - health
                                        "radius" - range to detect enemies and shoot them
                                        "count" - time in miliseconds before respawning
                                        "wait" - wait time between shots

                                        -- npc_alora
                                        -- npc_bartender
                                        -- npc_bespincop
                                        -- npc_bobafett
                                        -- npc_chewbacca
                                        -- npc_colombian_emplacedgunner
                                        -- npc_colombian_rebel
                                        -- npc_colombian_soldier
                                        -- npc_cultist
                                        -- npc_cultist_commando
                                        -- npc_cultist_destroyer
                                        -- npc_cultist_saber
                                        -- npc_cultist_saber_powers
                                        -- npc_desann
                                        -- npc_droid_assassin
                                        -- npc_droid_atst
                                        -- npc_droid_gonk
                                        -- npc_droid_interrogator
                                        -- npc_droid_mark1
                                        -- npc_droid_mark2
                                        -- npc_droid_mouse
                                        -- npc_droid_probe
                                        -- npc_droid_protocol
                                        -- npc_droid_r2d2
                                        -- npc_droid_r5d2
                                        -- npc_droid_remote
                                        -- npc_droid_saber
                                        -- npc_droid_seeker
                                        -- npc_droid_sentry
                                        -- npc_galak
                                        -- npc_gran
                                        -- npc_hazardtrooper
                                        -- npc_human_merc
                                        -- npc_imperial
                                        -- npc_impworker
                                        -- npc_jan
                                        -- npc_jawa
                                        -- npc_jedi
                                        -- npc_kothos
                                        -- npc_kyle
                                        -- npc_lando
                                        -- npc_lannik_racto
                                        -- npc_luke
                                        -- npc_manuel_vergara_rmg
                                        -- npc_merchant
                                        -- npc_minemonster
                                        -- npc_monmothma
                                        -- npc_monster_claw
                                        -- npc_monster_fish
                                        -- npc_monster_flier2
                                        -- npc_monster_glider
                                        -- npc_monster_howler
                                        -- npc_monster_lizard
                                        -- npc_monster_murjj
                                        -- npc_monster_mutant_rancor
                                        -- npc_monster_rancor
                                        -- npc_monster_sand_creature
                                        -- npc_monster_swamp
                                        -- npc_monster_wampa
                                        -- npc_morgankatarn
                                        -- npc_noghri
                                        -- npc_player
                                        -- npc_prisoner
                                        -- npc_ragnos
                                        -- npc_rax
                                        -- npc_rebel
                                        -- npc_reborn
                                        -- npc_reborn_new
                                        -- npc_reelo
                                        -- npc_rockettrooper
                                        -- npc_rodian
                                        -- npc_rosh_penin
                                        -- npc_saboteur
                                        -- npc_shadowtrooper
                                        -- npc_snowtrooper
                                        -- npc_stormtrooper
                                        -- npc_stormtrooperofficer
                                        -- npc_swamptrooper
                                        -- npc_tavion
                                        -- npc_tavion_new
                                        -- npc_tie_pilot
                                        -- npc_trandoshan
                                        -- npc_tusken
                                        -- npc_ugnaught
                                        -- npc_weequay
                                        -- npc_vehicle
                                        -- npc_spawner

                                        Spawns a npc or vehicle

                                        32 - No target (npcs have no AI)
                                        32768 - allows setting the genericvalue7 field, which is a custom amount of credits this npc gives when rpg player defeats him
                                        65536 - will not multiply wait and delay by 1000

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "npc_type" - npc or vehicle to be spawned
                                        "count" - amount of npcs to spawn before this entity is removed. Set to -1 so it will never be removed
                                        "wait" - time to try again to spawn if the npc is blocked
                                        "delay" - time to wait before actually spawning the npc after this entity is triggered
                                        "genericvalue7" - used with spawnflag 32768, amount of credits this npc gives when defeated by rpg player

                                        -- path_corner

                                        Points to which a func_train can go

                                        "wait" - time to wait before going to next path_corner
                                        "speed" - speed with which func_train goes to next path_corner
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- target_activate
                                        -- target_deactivate

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- target_counter

                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "count" - current count (default 2)
                                        "bouncecount" - max times to count before firing targets

                                        -- target_delay

                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "delay" - same as wait
                                        "wait" - time to wait before firing targets
                                        "random" - random time added to wait
                                        "targetshadername" - the original shader of this entity that will be replaced by a new one
                                        "targetshadernewname" - replace the original shader (targetshadername) with this new one

                                        -- target_kill

                                        Kills the user of this entity

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity

                                        -- target_play_music

                                        Starts playing music

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "music" - music file to play

                                        -- target_position

                                        Used as a position for trigger_teleport entities

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity

                                        -- target_print

                                        Prints a message in the screen

                                        4 - Only show message to the player who activated this entity

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "message" - message to display in the screen

                                        -- target_push

                                        Pushes a player to a target at a speed

                                        1 - play a sound when player gets pushed
                                        2 - Constant push

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "speed" - speed in which the players gets pushed
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box

                                        -- target_random

                                        Randomly fires one of the targets each time it is used

                                        1 - Use Once
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- target_relay

                                        4 - randomly fire one of targets
                                        128 - Inactive

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "wait" - time to wait before firing targets
                                        "targetshadername" - the original shader of this entity that will be replaced by a new one
                                        "targetshadernewname" - replace the original shader (targetshadername) with this new one

                                        -- target_scriptrunner

                                        128 - inactive

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "script_targetname" - targetname of this scriptrunner
                                        "usescript" - script to run when used
                                        "count" - how many times to run. -1 = infinite
                                        "delay" - wait time before running script after being used
                                        "wait" - wait time between uses

                                        -- target_speaker

                                        4 - broadcast

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "noise" - sound file to play
                                        "soundset" - sound file to play

                                        -- team_CTF_blueplayer

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - Angles with which the player spawn
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- team_CTF_bluespawn

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - Angles with which the player spawn
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- team_CTF_redplayer

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - Angles with which the player spawn
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- team_CTF_redspawn

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - Angles with which the player spawn
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- trigger_always

                                        1024 - allows setting the count field to override the default 300 miliseconds for this entity to be triggered

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - Angles with which the player spawn
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "targetshadername" - the original shader of this entity that will be replaced by a new one
                                        "targetshadernewname" - replace the original shader (targetshadername) with this new one
                                        "count" - time in miliseconds for this entity to be triggered by the server

                                        -- trigger_hurt

                                        8 - "no protection" damage
                                        16 - waits one second between each time it does damage

                                        "dmg" - damage to do. If -1, use fade-to-black death
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one

                                        -- trigger_multiple

                                        Used to trigger other entities (for example, pressing a button to call a lift, switching lights, etc)

                                        4 - can use with use key
                                        128 - inactive

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "speed" - time to wait before firing target2
                                        "delay" - time to wait before firing targets
                                        "genericValue7" - interval time between uses
                                        "noise" - noise sound file
                                        "wait" - time to wait between triggerings

                                        -- trigger_once

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "wait" - time to wait between triggerings

                                        -- trigger_push

                                        Pushes a player to a target at a speed. The target must be a target_position entity

                                        2 - Starts off
                                        4 - Linear speed
                                        16 - Relative speed

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "speed" - speed in which the players gets pushed
                                        "wait" - interval time in miliseconds between pushes
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box

                                        -- trigger_teleport

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "model" - bmodel (which startes with a *, for example, *0, *1, *2, etc). Can also be a .md3 model
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box
                                        "targetname" - name of this entity. Allows it to be targeted by another entity
                                        "target" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "target2" - entity name to be targeted by this one
                                        "wait" - time to wait between triggerings

                                        -- zyk_mini_game_joiner

                                        1 -  Sniper Battle
                                        2 -  Racing Mode
                                        4 -  Melee Battle
                                        8 -  Duel Tournament
                                        64 - must press Use key

                                        "wait" - amount of time between the entity frames, in which it verifies if a player is standing in the bounding box
                                        "mins" - bounding box
                                        "maxs" - bounding box

                                        -- zyk_regen_unit

                                        Regens stuff of the player

                                        1 - Regen Health
                                        2 - Regen Shield
                                        4 - Regen Force
                                        8 - Regen MP (Magic Power)
                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "mins" - bounding box in which player must be in to regen things
                                        "maxs" - bounding box in which player must be in to regen things
                                        "count" - amount to regen
                                        "wait" - time in miliseconds between regens

                                        -- zyk_training_pole

                                        Spawns a model that can be used as a training pole for saber training. Can also show damage done to it

                                        1 - Shows damage done by it after some miliseconds set in wait field

                                        "origin" - point in the map where the entity will be placed
                                        "angles" - rotate object in each axis. Values of each axis must be between -179 and 179
                                        "wait" - time in miliseconds after last damage taken to show the damage
                                        "model" - allows setting a .md3 model. If no model is passed. The rift statue is used
                                        "mins" - bounding box. If no value is passed, it sets the bounding box used for players
                                        "maxs" - bounding box. If no value is passed, it sets the bounding box used for players

                                        -- zyk_weather

                                        "mins" - bounding box of weather zone (when passing "zone" to message field)
                                        "maxs" - bounding box of weather zone (when passing "zone" to message field)
                                        "message" - weather type, can be one of the following:

                                        rain, snow, fog, sand, wind, constantwind, gustingwind, die, clear, lightrain,
                                        acidrain, heavyrain, spacedust, heavyrainfog, light_fog, outsideshake, outsidepain, zone

Remapping shaders

It is possible to remap the shaders of anything (weapons, items, skybox, etc) with some commands
Here is an example to remap the shaders of the heavy repeater weapon at origin 0 0 0:

                                    /remap models/weapons2/heavy_repeater/heavy_repeater_w.glm models/items/bacta

Other commands to keep in mind:

                                    /shaderlist: shows a list of all shaders in the map.
                                    /remaplist: shows shaders already remapped.
                                    /remapsave [filename]: saves the remapped shaders of the current map.
                                    /remapload [filename]: loads the remapped shaders from the file. You can save a file called default (/remapsave default) which will make it load with the map automatically.
                                    /remapdeletefile [filename]: deletes a remap file.

The remap commands can only be used if the player has Entity System enabled in /adminlist

Inventory System

GalaxyRP contains an in-game inventory system, this can be used to check your credits, items that your character carries, create any item that serves your RP, and transfer items between characters, as well as delete them.

Checking your inventory

This will allow you to see your character's inventory. The command to check your inventory is as follows:

                                    /inv: Shows your inventory.

Creating an item

This will allow you to create an item, which will be added to your inventory. This requires the Create Item admin command to be set to yes. The command to create an item is as follows:

                                    /createitem [itemname]: Create an item. Item containing more than one work well need " " around the argument.

Deleting an item

This will allow you to delete an item, which will be removed from your inventory. The command to create an item is as follows:

                                    /trashitem [itemId]: Deletes an item.

Transferring an item

This will allow you to give another player an item, which will be removed from your inventory and added to theirs. The command to transfer an item is as follows:

                                    /giveitem [itemId] [playerName]: Transfers an item to the desired player.

Character Description System

GalaxyRP contains an in-game description system, that allows characters to give themselves a written description, which can be viewed by nearby players.

Setting your description

This will allow you to set your character's description. The command to do that is as follows:

                                    /attributes [descriptiontext]: Sets your character's attributes. Place text in double quotes.

Checking someone's description

This will allow you to see a character's description. The command to do that is as follows:

                                    /examine [playerName]: Shows you the desired player's description. (works on yourself as well)
                                    /ex [playerName]: Shows you the desired player's description. (works on yourself as well)


GalaxyRP supports a variety of gamemodes, which can be activated by all players.
The relevant commands are:

Racing Mode

The mod has a racing mode, which allows players to race with swoop bikes in the Single Player t2_trip map, or to race with tauntauns in the Single Player t3_stamp map.
To enter the race, use the console command /racemode.
The race starts some seconds after the last player who used the command.
There is a cvar in server.cfg to set the time in miliseconds for the race to start.
If a player tries to start before the countdown or he leaves his vehicle during the race, he loses.
Whoever finishes in first place receives a prize.

Duel Tournament

This is a tournament of private duels. It can have up to 32 players in it.
These are the commands to manage it:

                                    /duelarena: an admin command. Marks a spot in the current map as the place where the arena of the duel tournament will be placed
                                    /duelpause: an admin command. Pauses or resumes a Duel Tournament
                                    /duelmode: joins the duel tournament. If used again, leaves the tournament
                                    /dueltable: shows the current score of the tournament players in page 1 and all the duel matches in the other pages
                                                The red number is the total hp and shield remaining in winning duels,
                                                used as a criteria to untie players with the same score

How to play

First, an admin must place the arena in the map with /duelarena. After that, players can join the tournament with /duelmode. After some seconds, the tournament starts, and the server chooses the players which will duel now in the arena.

Score and HP Score

It has a championship format, so every player will have to fight every other player. Winning a duel (by defeating the enemy or time run out and the player has more hp than the enemy) gives 3 score. Losing gives 0. If it ends in a tie (if both players die at the same time or tie runs out with both players with same hp and shield), each player gets 1 score. Everytime a duel match ends, the score table is printed in console. After all matches are done, the player with the highest score wins, and receives a prize. If there is more than one player with the same score at the end of tournament, the untie criteria (HP Score) is used. It is the red number shown in /dueltable. Every time a player wins a duel, his remaining hp and shield is added to this number, so when players are tied in score, the player with highest red number will be ahead.


The Duel Tournament will allow players to add other players as allies, so it is possible to have 1v1, 2v1 and 2v2 matches. To add someone, after joining tournament with /duelmode, press Use key (usually R) on the player. He will have to do the same to establish the alliance. Matches are balanced by making the players in team have only hp and no shield during 2v1 and 2v2 matches.

Sniper Battle

This is a last man standing mode with disruptor rifle.
After the match starts, all players lose their force powers and weapons, and will have only a jetpack and a disruptor rifle.
It is not possible to pickup anything on the map during the match.
The match has a time limit of 10 minutes.
The last player alive wins a prize.

The commands to manage it are:

                                    /snipermode: Join the game.
                                    /snipertable: shows players who joined it and their score.

Melee Battle

A battle with melee in a platform.
The battle lasts 10 minutes, the last player alive in the platform wins a prize.

The commands to manage it are:

                                    /meleearena: Adds the platform on the map. 
                                                 Needs /duelarena permissions.
                                    /meleemode: Joins the battle.

Useful Commands

Here are some useful commands that will come in handy:

                                    /roll [maxnumber]: Generates a random number between 1 and maxnumber.
                                    /news [jedi/sith/republic]: Displays the news regarding the chosen faction (If left blank shows general news).
                                    /flipcoin: Flips a coin.
                                    /list commands: List most of the GalaxyRP commands.

Version History (Changelog)

Once again, thank you so much for trying out this mod. It's been born from my own love of roleplaying, and I hope it will be of help the roleplaying community. I've worked on the mod mostly alone until recently, and I am happy to see it grow more and more (almost) each month.

Special thanks are in order for Zyk, who developed the mod on which is based off of. It saved me a lot of time and unneccessary effort. And, as anyone with a true love for the community, allowed it to be open source.
The full changelog is displayed below. I really hope you enjoy it, and thanks again for trying it.


                                        Version 3.7 - Mar 14th, 2023

                                        - When helping a player up, an animation now gets played.
                                        - Shield Regen and Health Regen are now displayed properly in the ui
                                        - Alternative weapon fire (right click) now only works if your skill in that weapon is 2.
                                        - Corrected /scale help. The height shown are now accurate to real life heights.
                                        - Fixed bug with saber running animation getting played when the saber was holstered
                                        - Added new lightsaber customization tags for idle animations (idleAnimBlue, idleAnimYellow, idleAnimRed, idleAnimPurple, idleAnimGreen, idleAnimDual, idleAnimStaff)
                                        - NPCs now get saved in the entity file
                                        - Current character field now gets populated in the ui
                                        - New icons for custom model and custoom saber
                                        - HD fonts
                                        - Updated ui
                                        - Skill fields now can't be edited anymore in the ui
                                        - Added `crate01` NPC and model
                                        - Skill changes now take immediate effect (Weapons and items get given automatically now)
                                        - Skill ID is now shown in the skill menu
                                        - Reversed `readyAnimPurple` and `readyAnimGreen` saber tags. Now they are in the correct order
                                        - Apply button in the Character customization menu now works correctly
                                        - Ammo and explosive ammo now recharges automatically when idle (see `rp_ammo_regen_timer` and `rp_explosives_recharge_timer` cvars)
                                        - /callseller is now permanently disabled
                                        - added better messaging in /skillup and /skilldown
                                        - Added /leveldown command
                                        - You can now increase and decrease skills by more than one point at a time. (e.g. /skillup Alex 10 5)
                                        - Added new jetpack model
                                        Version 3.6 - Sep 8th, 2022

                                        - Seller doesn't need to be spawned to use the shop anymore.
                                        - Changed most of the menus.
                                        - Portrait model picker limit increased in the UI (All the models portraits shoudl now be displayed)
                                        - Name changing bug fixed for good.
                                        - Name, scale, and model now get updated in the database as soon as they're changed.
                                        - Removed damage buff for staff and dual.
                                        - Players can now log in while in spetator mode.
                                        - Players can change teams without being logged out.
                                        - Players will stay logged in after map change.
                                        - Restored compatibility with base.
                                        - Changed "Score" to "Level in the scoreboard.
                                        - Added a death counter to the scoreboard. (It counts the number of times players have been downed)
                                        - /levelup can now level up someone multiple times in one go. (ex. /levelup Alex 20 will increase it by 20 levels)
                                        - Fixed a bug where some chat modifiers would be shown in the wrong color.
                                        - Fixed a bug with /changepassword, and removed /resetpassword.
                                        - Fixed some bugs with the character picker menu.
                                        - Fixed bug where client prints would show slightly wrong in the UI.

                                        Version 3.5.3 - Sep 3rd, 2022

                                        - Name will not change by itself now when models are changed
                                        - Notarget will now display a message to other people as well when switched on or off
                                        - Removed old and unused components of the old UI

                                        Version 3.5.2 - Jul 19th, 2022

                                        - Players helping other players now bypass the timer (how it was originally intended to work)
                                        - Added a few seconds of invulnerability as you go down (prevents accidental killing if opponent is mid-kata)
                                        - Increased the speed of the 'AniKata' emotes
                                        - Decreased the speed of 'ForceCasual'
                                        - Decreased the speed of the 'SaberDraw' emotes
                                        - Reverted Force Jumps to vanilla animations
                                        - Fixed walking backwards animation
                                        - Fixed blaster pistol animations
                                        - Added health and shield regen skills
                                        - Fixed UI listing screen
                                        - Fixed UI skill display
                                        - Fixed changing characters from the ui
                                        - Fixed creating a character from the UI
                                        - Fixed seller menu and added the right credit value for each button

                                        Version 3.5.1 - Jun 24th, 2022

                                        - Fixed crashes when helping players up via the use button.
                                        - Fixed bug where players could use noClip while being downed.

                                        Version 3.5 - Jun 24th, 2022

                                        - Added more reliable manual parry. (if a player keeps their opponent in their reticule, the parry rate goes up)
                                        - Added new death system. Now players will go down before they die, with a chance to be revived.
                                        - Added 32 new animations.
                                        - Saber stance can now be customised per saber style.
                                        - Saber Kata can now be customised per style.
                                        - Added 3 more available Kata options.
                                        - Fixed "aim" emote.
                                        - Bought myself a cake for my birthday.

                                        Version 3.4.1 - Mar 29th, 2022

                                        - Tweaked gun animations slightly.
                                        - Fixed ammo saving bug.
                                        - Fixed bug where player would be invulnerable until he entered console.
                                        - Fixed mod check language bug.

                                        Version 3.4 - Mar 8th, 2022

                                        - Dual and Staff damages will scale with ATK skill.
                                        - Fast style will now scale damage with increased Atk skill.
                                        - Server will now check whether the clients have the most up to date GalaxyRP version.
                                        - Message of the day is now improved.
                                        - Now all saber styles can use kick instead of throw. (Dependant on the "throwable" argument in the saber files)
                                        - Most force powers now have a maximum level of 5 instead of 3
                                        - Added /playmusic command for people to be able to play different sounds on the server
                                        - Added /playsound command for people to be able to play different sounds on the server
                                        - "Niman" and "Juyo" UI elements have been reversed (Niman is Desann and Juyo is Tavion)
                                        - Added a cvar for assigning permissions automatically upon account registration
                                        - New Admin permissions for various admin tasks 
                                        - Added a brand new XP system (old way to level up still works, but this is recommended)
                                        - Improved the messages displayed when upgrading someone's skills and level (now both people will be informed properly)
                                        - Server logs are now saved in /GalaxyRP/logs
                                        - Added 8 new chat modifiers for different languages in the star wars universe (/ryl /ryl2 /rodian /huttese /catharese /mando /npc /comm)
                                        - Ammo is now saved properly
                                        - Improved database performance
                                        - Animations are now displayed alphabetically within their groups
                                        - Menu in a local mp game is now displayed properly
                                        - Added two scripts to run a server and connect to one
                                        - News files have been moved into their own folder
                                        - Added a bitvalue calculator in the release for easier config file management
                                        - Removed unused config files
                                        - /scale help now displays information more accurately
                                        - Video option menu now updated with modern configurations
                                        - Account database and admin account will now be generated on first server run (unless one is already existing)
                                        - Fixed some skills not displaying properly
                                        - Logging in during spectator mode is DISABLED
                                        - Fixed bug with salute and meditate2 emote
                                        - Console will no longer display animation errors.
                                        - Added Armor skill.
                                        - Moved all item things from seller to skills.
                                        - Selling things to the seller is now DISABLED.
                                        - Added /shakescreen.
                                        - Stormtrooper class npcs will now shoot at lightsaber wielding people.
                                        - Score display is now replaced with level display in the score tab.
                                        - added /removepickups to remove all pickups from a map.
                                        - Added 13 new animations.
                                        - Added /spawnplatform and /spawndummy to make it easier to spawn common things.
                                        - Added /telemark to mark a teleport point.
                                        - Added database modules into mod code (Extra dlls/binaries no longer required)

                                        Version 3.3 - Aug 21th, 2021

                                        - Added 31 new animations to use with /emote
                                        - Everything will now save in a database, no more fiddling with text files
                                        - Added /resetpassword
                                        - Model and nicknames will now be saved and loaded per character from the database. (Once you change it make sure to /logout for it to save!)
                                        - Both /anim and /emote work the same now
                                        - Both /inv and /inventory work the same now
                                        - Added /scale help which displays the ig scale compared to real life measurements
                                        - Removed golden aura when dueling
                                        - When dueling, other players will not be visible anymore
                                        - /emote list is now more ordered, with categories in which the animations are sorted
                                        - Tavion and Desann (Purple and Green styles) are now properly balanced

                                        Version 3.2 - Aug 11th, 2021

                                        - Added /mylow, /myall, /mylong, /my chat modifiers.
                                        - Added a brand new inventory system, with custom items that can be created (/createitem), deleted (/trashitem), and passed around between players (/giveitem).
                                        - Added a brand new description system for characters. Players can now set their own character descriptions (/attributes), which can be seen by other players (/examine).
                                        - Added six more admin permissions that allow the use of their respective commands. (fully backwards compatible)
                                        - Added /flipcoin command.
                                        - Fixed a chat bug where text in the middle of the string would be interpreted as a command. (e.g. "I know /all/ the cool places." would be interpreted as /all. Not anymore!)
                                        - Fixed dueling always starting people at 100 hp 100 shield.

                                        Version 3.1 - Aug 8th, 2021

                                        - /all is now fixed, and broadcasts to the whole server.
                                        - Added a news system in-game, where news can be read and written ICly.
                                        - AdminProtect will now allow admins to see all chat on the server, to allow them to monitor players.
                                        - Minor bugfix with /all where the message wouldn't be displayed correctly on the screen (missing the colon)

                                        Version 3.0 - Apr 8th, 2021

                                        - Chat system revamped, added chat modifiers for all actions that can be done. The normal chat is unchanged should players prefer to keep using that.
                                        - Entity saving is now fixed, no longer crashes the server. (whoops)
                                        - /roll will never display 0 anymore. It was due to a bug in the random number generator. (whoops x2)

                                        Version 2.0 - Feb 11th, 2021
                                        - /god now works for everyone in the server, and will be broadcast to let everyone know. This is to allow players with less skill to take part in combat and be able to roleplay properly.
                                        - /rpmodeup and /rpmodedown are replaced by /skillup and /skilldown
                                        - /createcredits is now a separate command (but it can still only be used by admins)
                                        - /creditgive is now replaced by /givecredits
                                        - /spendcredits was added, which broadcasts a message and takes the money form the players account.
                                        - .sab variable is now increased, hopefully allowing for more saber models to be added.
                                        - Weapons will now have to be bought IG, and an admin has to authorize it.
                                        - Store prices have been balanced, and increased to better allow lower denominations.
                                        - Unused items have been removed form the shop.
                                        - Added a /news command, used by players to get IC news updates from the server. This can either be /news, /news republic, /news sith and /news jedi.
                                        - Credit creation is now only allowed by admins with GiveAdmin permission.
                                        - Some sounds have been disabled, namely see, distract, distractstop, absorbloop and seeloop. This is for better immersion.
                                        - Added 16 new animations, be sure to check out /emote list to find them.
                                        - /list rpg now replaced by /list help

                                        Version 1.1.1 - Feb 3rd, 2021
                                        - No need to BUY the weapon itself, everyone will have all weapons from the start (but no ammo)
                                        - Ammo is saved and if you run out you'll have to buy more form the seller if you want to use the weapon

                                        Version 1.1 - Feb 1st, 2021
                                        - Ammo files aren't shown as characters anymore
                                        - Sniper battle minigame now works
                                        - Melee battle minigame now works
                                        - Added some validation to the name of characters (special characters apart from "_" are not allowed anymore)
                                        - Dueling now works just like in ja+
                                        - Duel tournament now works
                                        - Last Man Standing now works
                                        - "Magic Potion" doesn't show up anymore at the item seller (Duh!)
                                        - Added dice roll command (/roll [max_roll])
                                        - Map loading screen is now less cluttered, leaving more room for the artwork.

                                        Version 1.0 - Jan 17th, 2021
                                        - Account system
                                        - Ammo and skills are saved per character
                                        - Fully working shop
                                        - Credit system (Admins can now create credits)
                                        - OOC chat
                                        - NoClip now works as intended
                                        - Custom UI
                                        - Custom HUD
                                        - Fully working emote system words AND IDs (Do /emote list to see everything)
                                        - Desann and Tavion are unlocked
                                        - New Upgrades for Mercs as well as more force powers for Force sensitive chars
                                        - Added scripts for setting resolution
                                        - Admin permissions work as intended
                                        - Voice chat works as intended (Not mic but pre recorded commands)
                                        - Weapons upgrades work as intended
                                        - Podracing now works
                                        - Ally system now works
                                        - Entity system now works
                                        - Shader remapping through ig commands now works
                                        - Skills that can be added or removed by admins only
                                        - Broadcasting of a player's login/logout message to let people know what they logged in as.

                                        Version 0.5 BETA - Oct 21st, 2020
                                        - Advanced admin system
                                        - Advanced credit system
                                        - More abilities can be unlocked compared to in the base game
                                        - New Art
                                        - Improved UI


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Code released under the License.

For more information about copyright and license check GPL v2.0.